Completely raw package offer for female entrepreneurs with their own business!
Welcome to MEAH's brand new entrepreneur packages, tailored for women with their own business. We focus on quality, with clothes made from the finest textiles that combine style, comfort and durability - from luxurious wool fabrics to soft cotton textiles. Whatever your body shape, our perfect cuts and fits, from elegant blazers to feminine dresses, will give you the professional look you want.
But what really sets us apart is the unique personality we put into each garment - because we believe clothes are a form of expression. Our bold patterns, playful details and colors will help you exude the authentic personality that makes your company and yourself unique. With MEAH, the clothes become not just a uniform, but an extension of you, and we help you highlight yourself and your company in a positive way!
3 Tailor-made business garments
Er du en blazer og bukse-jente, eller liker du kjole og blazer? Få et helt antrekk designet for å fremheve deg og din merkevare! Vi bruker farger og tekstiler som gjenspeiler både deg og bedriften din!
Dette får du i pakken:
3 Skreddersydde plagg: Du velger selv
Alle klærne kan brukes sammen eller hver for seg
Inspirasjonsmøter fylt med ideer, tekstiler og farger
Designmøter - Sammen designer vi klærne til å bli akkurat som du ønsker
4 skisser av hvert plagg
Valgfrie kvalitetstekstiler - Velg blant tekstiler på øverste hylle, i alt fra italiensk ull til nydelig linstoff
Uendelig med prøvinger til du er fornøyd
1 pdf-hefte med stylingtips, farger og snitt, unikt for deg og din merkevare
Uendelig med prøvinger til du er fornøyd
Gratis søm og fiks garanti
BONUS: Velger du denne pakken får du inkludert stylist på photoshoot! Les mer om Stylistpakken og fotograf nederst på siden
We recommend ordering at least 4 months before you need it. Trials and meetings in Tønsberg. The package is automatically canceled after the outfit has been delivered. VAT included in the price
Contact us for partial payment.
3 Skreddersydde Businessplagg
Valid until canceled
2 Tailor-made business garments
Are you a blazer and trousers girl? Get an entire outfit designed to highlight you and your brand! We use colors and textiles that reflect both you and your company!
This is what you get in the package:
2 Tailor-made garments: You choose yourself
All the clothes can be used together or separately
Inspiration meetings filled with ideas, textiles and colours
Design meetings - Together we design the clothes to be exactly what you want
4 sketches of each t pla gg
Optional quality textiles - Choose from top-shelf textiles, in everything from Italian wool to lovely linen
Endless trials until you are satisfied
1 pdf booklet with styling tips, colors and cuts, unique to you and your brand
Free seam and fix guarantee
We recommend ordering at least 3 months before you need it. Trials and meetings in Tønsberg. The package is automatically canceled after the outfit has been delivered. VAT included in the price
Contact us for partial payment.
2 Skreddersydde Businessplagg
Valid until canceled
1 Custom made
Business clothes
In this package, you get a completely raw garment tailored to highlight you and your brand in the best possible way. We use colors and textiles that reflect both you and your company!
This is what you get in the package:
1 Tailor-made garment: You choose yourself
Inspiration meetings filled with ideas, textiles and colours
Design meetings - Together we design the garment to be exactly what you want
3 sketches of selected pla gg
- Optional quality textiles - Choose from top-shelf textiles, in everything from Italian wool to lovely linen
Endless trials until you are satisfied
1 pdf booklet with styling tips, colors and cuts, unique to you and your brand
Free seam and fix guarantee
We recommend ordering at least 3 months before you need it. Trials and meetings in Tønsberg. The package is automatically canceled after the outfit has been delivered. VAT included in the price
Contact us for partial payment.
No plans available
Once there are plans available for purchase, you'll see them here.
And Photographer
Om du har kjøpt gründerantrekk hos oss, eller har egne klær, er vi klare for å style deg på din neste gründerfotografering. Vi hjelper deg å gjenspeile både deg og bedriften din, slik at du er klar for fotoshoot med en svært dyktig fotograf!
Dette får du i stylistpakken:
Hjelp til å sette sammen antrekkene før og under shooten, så er du sikker på at du utstråler akkurat det du ønsker på bildene
Stylistmøte en passende dag før shooten der vi går gjennom stylingen for alle antrekkene
Stylingtips for farger og snitt som matcher din bedrift og personlighet
Inkluderer vår reise til og fra photoshooten
Slik bestiller du din fotoshoot:
Klikk deg inn på
Ta kontakt for bestilling av shoot
Fortell gjerne fotografen at du handler via MEAH
Denne fotografpakken kan du velge:
Gründer Fotografering - (se pris hos fotografen)
Vi samarbeider med fotograf:
The stylist package must be ordered at least 1 month in advance. Pre-styling and meetings in Tønsberg. The package is automatically canceled after the photo shoot. The package applies between Oslo-Vestfold. VAT included in MEAH's price.
Separate terms apply to the photography package. Contact the photographer to find out more.
Stylist På Photoshoot
Valid until canceled